51Super Mario Bros.Famicom JPYesYesYesNANAAccurateAccurateAccuratev1.4 Build 1496NintendoRecognizes as the exact same game as my NES copy - it even continues where I left off on NES. I hope that games that are different (like Super Mario USA on Famicom vs Super Mario Bros.
2 on NES) show up as different, even though the differences are minor. Dizzy: I actually believe this is because no changes were made to the game, and that they just put in a pin converter on the NA 5-screw cartridge.TF, Dizzy. 64Zelda no Densetsu 1 - The Hyrule FantasyFamicom JPYesYesYesYesYesNoAccurateAccurateAccuratev1.5 Build 1531NintendoI believe this is the North American NES release ported back onto Famicom Cartridge with Japanese text put back in. Some english survived in the story/item scroll, the rest is in Japanese, otherwise the exact same game.
EXCEPT: Pols Voices are once again weak to sound through the microphone on controller 2, not possible on the Retron 5 to my knowledge, and are no longer weak to arrows.Seig345.
Are the 93 specially-chosen GBC palettes for the games that had them written anywhere? Wikipedia lists the ones for the keypad combinations with a nice handy graphic; something like that for the games would be handy. This question came to mind when I was wondering who the hell is responsible for this gross mess:Also, fun bug report fact: If you continuously hold the button combo for the extra game, the dancing kirby animation slows down a noticeable 50% - I'm guessing it's repeatedly writing the EXTRA GAME entry into the name table? Not sure what else could be done that would be such a slow operation for a simple thing like that. I made a script to extract a list of ROMs in GoodGBX that qualify for an automatic palette swap. The qualifications in the GBC 'BIOS' is as follows:The ROM can't be listed as GBC compatible, in which case it obviously has to handle it own palette settings.
(D'uh!)The ROM must be listed as licened by Nintendo. This means that the old licensee field = $01,. or for an SGB game, that the old licensee field = $33 (required for SGB compatibility) and the new licensee field = $30, $31Then an 8-bit checksum is calculated from the title field (0134-0143) and checked against an internal table.If all is good, a custom palette will be loaded based on the title checksum.Below is a list of ROMs that my script was able to detect. Try any of these ROMs on a real GBC, or in BGB with the GBC boot ROM present and enabled.Most of these are straightforward, but there are a couple of unlicened/PD ROMs in there. Some of them are just checksum collisions, but interestingly, a common reason for this is that a ROM is using the same title field as a licened ROM. The check is done starting at 0475 in the boot ROM.
Iirc the following must be true for the ROM to pass for a custom palette check:1) Must not be a GBC ROM. (Bit 7 of $0143 must be 0.)2) Licensee code must be Nintendo. This means that either $0143=$01 (old licensee set to Nintendo) or for a SGB capable ROM that $0143=$33 (SGB validation) and $0144=$30 $0145=$31 (New licensee code set to Nintendo.)Next, a hash is calculated by adding all the bytes in the header title field ($0134-$0143). This hash is checked against a table at $06c7-$0716. If the hash is in that table, the ROM will be colorized, otherwise not.Iirc there's some other minor wrinkle as well, but that's basically it.